Grow Your Business With A Digital Business Card!


Your digital business card is a 1-page-website, which makes all your contact and essential business info available in 1 click

Which package is right for you?



Have you ever thought about having a virtual, hands-free business card? It is a neat way to share your contacts and maintain health protocols.



The Benefits of a Go Mobile Biz Card

How It Works

Chose Your Package & Order Your Digital Business Card

Chose Your Package & Order Your Digital Business Card

Send Us Your Information

Send Us Your Information

We Design Your Digital Card

We Design Your Digital Card

You Share It With Your Contacts

You Share It With Your Contacts

It's more than a digital business card... it's a mini-website with all your essential info only 1 click away


Share your Go Mobile Biz Card without physical contact, by SMS, Email, Whatsapp, QR code and more

Get your contact info onto clients devices and not in the bin

Include images, logo and videos on your Digital Business Card

View on any device, iPhone, Android, laptop, desktop or tablet

Go Mobile Biz Card Features

Your Branding

Your card is branded with your logo and image. Be recognized

Click to Call

Your connections will be able to call you with a simple click of a button

Click To WhatsApp

Your connections can Whatsapp you without even saving your number!

Embeddable Content

Map to your location, video, calender and booking forms. There's no limit

Add to Contacts

People can save all your contact details in their phone address book.

Click to Email

One-Click and your customer will be able to send you an email.

Website & Social Links

All your social links will be available for your connections to visit

Never be without yours

Save your card to your phone home screen, so its always in easy reach

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I have on my card?

You can have whatever you want on your Digital Card from contact information, links to your social media and website, and above all, your card is branded to your requirements

What if I want to make changes?

No problem at all. You can have as many changes as you want at no charge

Can I have images and videos?

Yes. You can either have them embedded in your card or link to your videos that are already online

Will my Digital Card be found online?

Yes. It also increases your exposure to your social platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram

Will the price change each year?

No. The price you pay for your business card will remain the same each year even if the cost to new people increases

How do I use my digital business card?

Using your card is very easy and we are also never more than an e-mail away for any help you need